Network of eye clinics ASTANA VISION in Almaty
Our mission: “Qualified solution of vision problems at the modern level!”

Perhaps the most important thing for me personally is to maintain the values of the clinic and a reverent attitude towards the patient, so that this growth does not affect the quality of diagnosis and treatment. And judging by the feedback from patients and our own observations, we are succeeding. This gives great confidence in the future of Kazakhstani ophthalmology.
Kim Vladimir Ukhenovich
President of the Association of Eye Clinics ASTANA VISION
24 years ago, Kim Vladimir Ukhenovich performed the first operation on the lens within the walls of his own clinic. Thus began a new page in the history of ophthalmology not only in Karaganda, Shymkent or Astana, but in the whole of Kazakhstan.
Our service is supported by a unique set of modern diagnostic and surgical equipment from leading manufacturers

SCHWIND eye-tech-solutions, Germany
The most innovative laser from the leading German manufacturer for laser vision correction using the SmartSight method (SmartSight). These laser vision correction methods are the 3rd generation of refractive laser surgery in the form of Refractive Lenticular Extraction (REL), in addition to FemtoLASIK/LASIK and PRK technologies.

Carl Zeiss Meditec, Germany
Femtosecond laser VisuMax (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Germany) for laser vision correction using the ReLEx SMILE method (Relex Smile)

Alcon, United States
The excimer laser WaveLight® EX500 (Alcon, USA) is currently a premium level device. The high speed and accuracy of the laser and the ability to perform personalized (customized) procedures allow you to achieve high clinical results even in the most difficult situations.

Alcon, United States
WaveLight® FS200 femtosecond laser (Alcon, USA) is an innovative laser technology that allows you to create a corneal flap that minimizes surgical risks and increases the accuracy of its formation, in contrast to the mechanical method of its formation in LASIK.

Topcon, Japan
The KR-1 owes its high accuracy to Topcon’s unique, patented Rotary Prism technology, which minimizes the potential for accommodative error. The device is indispensable in the selection of contact lenses due to the possibility of performing keratometry not only in the central, but also in the peripheral region of the eye.

Non-contact method for measuring intraocular pressure

Topcon, Japan
Multifunctional platform for accurate non-contact determination of all anatomical parameters of the eye, which is necessary incl. and for accurate calculation of the optical power of the intraocular lens in order to obtain an excellent postoperative result.

Alcon, United States
Non-contact determination of corneal topography, keratometry and pupillometry data, which are then directly transferred to the laser suite for vision correction

WaveLight AG, Germany
Analyzer of the anterior segment of the eye, which is designed for computer topography of the cornea and the study of the anterior part of the eyeball. Keratotopograph Allegro Oculyzer has a wide range of diagnostic capabilities. Allows you to evaluate the thickness over the entire area of the cornea; topography of the anterior and posterior surfaces; the state of the anterior chamber, its central height, angle and volume; quantify the optical density of the lens.

Designed for special diagnostic procedures, such as biomicroscopic examination of the anterior and posterior sections of the eye. Using a slit lamp, an ophthalmologist can carefully examine the anterior and posterior segments of the eye, which include the eyelid, sclera, conjunctiva, iris, natural lens, and cornea.

Topcon, Japan
Fully automated and easy to operate, with a single tap on the pupil on the capture screen, the 3D OCT-1 Maestro automatically scans the left and right eye and simultaneously generates OCT scans and a color fundus image. Auto alignment, auto focus and auto capture ensure that the whole process is done quickly and without error.

Topcon, Japan
Helps to accurately determine the density of endothelial cells and the thickness of the cornea. This equipment is suitable for use even on patients who have an irregular shape of the cornea or other pathologies of the cornea, such as a weak reflective effect.

Sonomed USA
The portable VuPad delivers exceptional image quality for a wide range of examinations.
Carl Zeiss Meditec, Germany
A non-contact device for measuring eye structures using the optical coherence tomography method. Thanks to a special patented technology, it allows you to obtain the most accurate refractive results in the postoperative period.

Alcon, Vereinigte Staaten
Phakoemulsifikator CENTURION® Vision System (Alcon, USA) – ein System zur Kataraktentfernung vom weltweit führenden Hersteller von Augengeräten. Hierbei handelt es sich um den modernsten Standard in der Kataraktchirurgie, der viele intelligente Technologien vereint und es dem Chirurgen ermöglicht, die Operation auf höchstem Niveau und mit minimalem Komplikationsrisiko durchzuführen.

Alcon, Vereinigte Staaten
VERION-Diagnosekomplex (Alcon, USA) – ein fortschrittliches Diagnose- und Navigationssystem VERION ermöglicht die genaue Positionierung einer phaken Intraokularlinse (PIOL) mit der einzig möglichen Methode der chirurgischen Korrektur für Patienten mit dünner Hornhaut und/oder mit ultrahohem Grad von Myopie
Leica Microsystems, Frankreich
Das Operationsmikroskop Leica Proveo 8 ist ein erstklassiges ophthalmologisches Operationsmikroskop mit hoher Präzision und intelligenten Einstellungen sowie Unterstützung für einen Rotreflexverstärker.
Leica Microsystems, France
The Leica Proveo 8 Surgical Microscope is a premium ophthalmic operating microscope with high precision and intelligent settings, as well as support for a red reflex amplifier.

Alcon, United States
The VERION system is designed for cataract extraction with intraocular lens implantation and refractive error correction. The system allows you to perform the necessary studies: dynamic keratometry, pupillometry and determine the position of the visual axis, as well as identify the characteristic features of the iris, limbus zone and scleral vessels. The software of the system makes it possible to draw up an optimal operation plan taking into account the desired result due to the availability of data on various nomograms for calculating the optical power of the IOL, methods for performing the surgical incision and capsulorhexis, correct IOL centering, and also calculating the correction of the cylindrical component of refraction.

Ultrasonic B-Scan Accutome, USA – obtaining high quality images of intraocular structures in real time to detect pathological changes in the structures of the anterior and posterior parts of the eye.

Alcon, United States
Ophthalmic green laser AlconPurePoint ™ (Alcon, USA) – allows, through laser exposure, to carry out peripheral or restrictive laser coagulation in case of ruptures and / or peripheral degeneration of the retina, eye injuries, which today remains a simple and effective method for preventing retinal detachment.
This is a special device that allows you to direct light through the opening of the pupil and get a momentary color image of the fundus (including the retina, macula and optical disk) or a series of images that give a panoramic picture (or taken in different regions of the spectrum). Photographing is non-contact

This is an orthooptic and diagnostic device, which is used primarily for the detection and treatment of strabismus, as well as with the help of a synoptophore, you can also perform orthooptic exercises aimed at restoring binocular vision, developing eye fusion reserves
Dobrodar, Russia
Ophthalmic simulator-relaxer, aimed at relieving visual tension and training the eye muscles, by persistent reflex relaxation of the ciliary muscle, activation of the adaptive reserves of the visual system. Recommended for patients who are exposed to intense visual stress (reading, working at a computer), helps prevent and treat computer visual syndrome, acquired myopia, etc.